New features for SignSpace service!

Version 2.1 was released on May 2, 2024

Check Contractor's Liability information in SignSpace

Comply with the Contractor’s Liability Act by enabling the checking functionality of Contractor’s Liability information in the SignSpace service. By defining checks as a mandatory part of the contract processes, you ensure that the contractor’s liability information does not go unchecked for any contract.

See here how the checking feature of subscriber liability information helps in managing legal obligations

Check Contractors Liability information in SignSpace


Merging pdf files

Combining several pdf files into one file makes it easier to process contracts. Arrange the files in the order you want and merge the files.

Merging pdf files


Delete content

Users authorised by the administrator can delete their own content from the organisation's account. The Trusted Admin authorised by the statutory signatory has the right to delete any contents of the organisation.

Delete content


Protect documents with strong authentication

Whenever you need extra protection for the contact, you may switch on the feature which requires signatories and other parties to authenticate strongly before the contract is displayed for preview.

The signatory is not required to register or sign in to view the content. The signatories name or national identity number entered in the signature request must match before access is granted.

Protect documents with strong authentication


Receive notifications about events that are important to you

We show a notification when you are added or removed from a group, content shared with you is removed form organisation account, or access to content previously shared with you is removed.

Recieve notifications


Collect metadata according to the structures you define

Define multi-level structures and their relationships in metadata. Users must enter the metadata in the order you define the structure.

Collect metadata


Improvements and fixes

Added time for scheduled sending

Multiple values can be entered in the metadata field when the feature is turned on in the field settings

We added a list of sub-processors to the SignSpace user interface in the custom settings menu

In the poll, you can define options for the minimum amount in addition to the maximum amount.

The filtering problem of multi-files archived in an external system was fixed

Other minor fixes and improvements